The Georgia Senate Teague ResolutionSenate Resolution 563 was issued to Rev. Duncan Teague in recognition of his 10th pastoral anniversary during Abundant LUUv’s sixth (SITA) anniversary at their new facility on Ralph David Abernathy Boulevard in Atlanta:

By: Senators Orrock of the 36th, Halpern of the 39th, Parent of the 42nd, Jackson of the 41st, Butler of the 55th and others


Recognizing and commending Reverend Duncan Teague on the occasion of his tenth pastoral 2 anniversary; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Reverend Duncan Teague has demonstrated his commitment to teaching the members of his congregation through word and deed and addressing the physical, psychological, intellectual, and spiritual needs of others; and

WHEREAS, he moved to Atlanta in 1984 with the goal of breaking into the Black theater 7 community, but instead he became one of Atlanta’s most charismatic, high-profile 8 public-health warriors, a fierce advocate for the city’s Black and gay communities fighting HIV-AIDS; and

WHEREAS, his life took another unexpected turn when he was invited to join the interim leadership team of First Existentialist Congregation of Atlanta, a Universalist church 12 undergoing transition; and

WHEREAS, he enrolled in Candler School of Theology at Emory University, graduating in 2011, and he was ordained as a Unitarian Universalist minister in 2014; and

WHEREAS, not long after he was ordained, he founded Abundant LUUv, a Unitarian 16 Universalist Church, in the West End, Atlanta’s majority Black community; and

WHEREAS, shortly after founding Abundant LUUv, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and continued his public health advocacy from the pulpit by talking about being a prostate 19 cancer survivor turning a personal health crisis into a teachable moment for Black men; and

WHEREAS, he recently visited Africa as part of a faith-based coalition fighting HIV-AIDS on the continent; and

WHEREAS, his vision and direction have helped Abundant LUUv Church grow in size and influence, uplifting the community and serving as a place for fellowship; and

WHEREAS, it is abundantly fitting and proper to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of the dynamic ministry of this devout and pious man who freely acknowledges “Sometimes, I have chosen my work, and sometimes my work has chosen me.”

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body recognize and commend Reverend Duncan Teague on the wonderful occasion of his tenth 29 pastoral anniversary and extend best wishes for many more years of successful fellowship and leadership.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to make an appropriate copy of this resolution available for distribution to Reverend Duncan Teague.

More details about the resolution can be found at Legiscan.