There was so much energy that went into the preparation of our new sanctuary and every aspect of worship, we almost had a guarantee of success. There was love put into each rub of Murphy’s Oil soap on the pews and on my shelves in my office all the way to the vines cut by a founding member of the Core Team and a certain UU feminist author.
I am avoiding names because no one can be left out. The food even met the needs of our most discerning vegan clergy. That is a triumph. It was triumphant and tremendous. The music was salvific, and soothing for those who needed to hear that kind of music in a UU service. The recognition of my almost ten years of ordained ministry was a surprise I am literally still crying about. Thank you, dear old friend, and radical, Senator Nan Orrock. Where did 10 whole years go?
The more than a church full of folks came. More than a block and a half of folks walked into our worship space and left to watch the other big thing happening about football. We feed some hungry hospital workers to boot. We did what we set out to do, celebrate, unite, celebrate some more and have a great spiritual/philosophical time and we done it. I mean, because I am educated, we did it. We did it. With the help of friends and some of those were brand new.
Thank you for everyone who taped a cable or sang along or just came and helped eat up our feast. Glory Hallelujah.
Asante’ Asante’ (Thank you in Swahili)
Still emotional and grateful,
Rev. Duncan E. Teague